Play to win

Put your skills to the test and experience chess like you've never seen it before.

Available now on Google Play and iOS App Store.

Game modes

Challenge friends or strangers

Play against chess enthusiasts from around the world.

Find players of any playing strength and challenge them to a game of rapid, blitz or bullet chess.

Are you ready?

Take your chess to the next level.

Customer Testimonials

Testimonials Profile Picture
Breanna Parker

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut ornare gravida tempor. Nunc tristique libero eget nulla.

Isabella Bradley
Ana Oleynkova

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla in viverra leo. Vestibulum eleifend dictum.

Drago Blake
Andy Smith

Curabitur sed tincidunt dui. Suspendisse dignissim consequat enim eu feugiat. Suspendisse vehicula sem non enim tristique, in rhoncus nulla.



What is Gambit?

Gambit is a ground-breaking chess app for mobile and web that allows users to play chess online against other players. Our app focuses on delivering an exceptional user experience, beautiful esthetics, and unique features, such as making bets on your own games.


How is Gambit different from other chess platforms?

Gambit stands out due to its user-friendly interface, visually appealing design, and innovative features that enhance gameplay. We challenge the existing chess platforms by offering a fresh and engaging alternative for chess enthusiasts.


Can I play Gambit on my smartphone or tablet?

Absolutely! Gambit is available on both iOS and Android devices, as well as on the web, making it accessible for users on various platforms.


How can I connect with other Gambit players and participate in the community?

Follow us on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, and YouTube to stay updated on the latest news, events, and opportunities to engage with fellow Gambit players.


Is Gambit free to download and register?

Yes, Gambit is free to download for mobile devices, and registering an account is also free. However, playing games on Gambit requires making a bet, which is enabled by depositing money into your wallet.


What is the process for verifying my identity on Gambit?

After registering an account, users must verify their identity using their ID documents. This process greatly enhances user safety, disincentivizes fraudulent behavior, ensures compliance with applicable regulations, and prevents users from registering multiple accounts.


How does the betting system work in Gambit?

When two players are matched against each other, their respective Elo ratings are used to calculate each player's expected value for the game. This value is multiplied by the total stake to determine the stake contributed by each player. The winner is awarded the entire stake minus a fee of 5%. In the case of a draw, the stake is split 50-50, also after a fee of 5%. This system ensures that players are always given fair odds.


How does Gambit prevent cheating?

Cheating is prevented by our proprietary and state-of-the-art AI cheat-detection system. Cheaters will be banned to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all users.


Why must I verify my identity to use Gambit?

The process of identity verification enhances the security for our users, deters any harmful activities, and guarantees adherence to relevant laws and regulations. This also helps avoid the creation of multiple accounts by a single user. As a responsible company, we take every measure to ensure all our operations align with the legal requirements in each jurisdiction we serve.


How can I get support if I face any issues while using Gambit?

If you need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to our customer support team via email at Users can also get support inside the mobile app through a support chat feature.


Are there any age restrictions for using Gambit?

Yes, users must be at least 18 years old to use Gambit. We encourage responsible gaming and require users to comply with the age restrictions in their respective jurisdictions.


In which countries is Gambit available?

Geographically, Gambit is currently accessible in Sweden, Norway, Poland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Greece and 39 US states. Please note that the availability of our app may be subject to changes in regional restrictions based on our list of supported jurisdictions.